Law Enforcement Background Investigations

Law Enforcement Background Investigations

Hiring law enforcement has never been more competitive.
No one understands better than sworn law enforcement.

External pressures are making it even more important to make the right hire. No one understands your complex needs better than former sworn law enforcement. We have a unique team of researchers and investigators who handle the entire process for you. Most are former law enforcement. We are thorough, accurate, and shockingly fast. We understand the intricate requirements of hiring for the force, and we know what you're looking for. We also know how badly the wrong hire can turn out, so it is imperative this process be done right.

North Carolina, like most states, has a regimented certification process that requires a thorough background investigation as part of the hiring process for law enforcement officers. These investigations can be a burden to the recruiting and/or HR sections of police organizations and lead to costly hiring delays, persistent vacancies, overtime burdens and decline in employee morale.

ISS can save your city time and money by dramatically reducing applicant processing time and helping you fill vacancies faster. More importantly, our efforts can help you move sworn officers back on the streets, where they are needed most, and allow you to focus time and energy on recruitment itself.

Our background investigators typically complete this task in 15 to 20 business days regardless of the number of applicants we are processing at any given time. Our team is trained on the N.C. Criminal Justice Education - Training Standards Commission Forms F3 and F8 background investigation processes for lateral and new hires, respectively. We have been completing them under contract and ad-hoc for police departments across North Carolina for nearly all 20 years of our company's existence.

10 Minute Phone Consultation
Thorough Background Investigation
You Hire the Right Candidates
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Law Enforcement Background Investigations

Don't Risk Losing the Right Candidates

The wrong candidate can do irreparable damage. Good candidates have multiple offers. When accuracy and speed count, call ISS.

• Investigations For Law Enforcement, By Law Enforcement
• For All Levels - Chief to Officer
• À La Carte & Customized Reports Available
Police Hiring Checks
Law Enforcement Background Investigations

Recent Case Summaries

  1. A police agency was suffering from such a high officer vacancy rate that it began cutting services to the community. ISS relieved the department of conducting its background checks on police candidates, and sped up the hiring process. This allowed the agency to staff more academies each year and begin replenishing its ranks.
  2. Another town was using its small staff of detectives to complete time-consuming police background investigations on new employees. The demand of processing applicants was impacting the agency's ability to conduct criminal investigations. When ISS lifted this burden from the agency, candidates were processed more quickly, and detectives focused solely on investigating crimes.
Case Summary Pages
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